Friday, July 22, 2011

Skywatch Friday - Pelicans

Happy Friday friends, thanks for stopping by. My son is learning to drive, and now that we're past the very first days of white knuckling turns and lane changes it's actually fun going out for a drive. Quite often now we'll head out for an impromtu adventure, and this one led us to the ocean for sunset - it's quite good, this driving thing!

I love to watch the pelicans fly along the cliffs, they're so ungainly on the ground, but wonderful to watch in flight; suddenly full of grace, strength and coordination, they fly in undulating waves of precise order. This was a small group, sometimes there are 10 or more flying in formation. Rather than the 'V' that many other birds adopt, the pelicans seem to prefer one long string, swooping along together.

May your day contain a beautiful sunset and at least a little bit of wonder.

To see what other skywatchers viewed when they looked up and out, visit the Skywatch Blog.


  1. Very nice! I used to do that with my son too! He'd drive and I'd take photos. Nothing scarier though than those first few drives...enjoy the weekend.

  2. Wow your photos are awesome. I like your composition. Happy weekend!


  3. Love the ocean. Your pictures are lovely and I enjoyed reading your profile. I too enjoy art, and my medium is watercolor.

    We lived in Santa Barbara in the 70's and I loved being close to the beach. Also remembering those first driving lessons with my teenagers years ago.

    We live in Southern CA now and enjoy the mountains in our area.


Thanks for wandering by, I love to hear from you!