Friday, November 11, 2011

Skywatch Friday - Double Rainbow

Happy Friday friends! For a change I don't have work today, so I have time to post a Skywatch. It's a cool and cloudy Friday morning with a storm blowing in. I love that feeling of the calm before the gathering storm, cool breezes (it's a California storm, just cool, not cold, yet . . .), and knowing that I don't have to go out and battle the elements helps too :)

Driving home from a recent road trip we spotted so many people out and about with their cameras pointed at the sky. Had the aliens finally arrived? Nope, I couldn't see any flying saucers up there. Flocks of amazing birds, incredible aircraft? Nope, no extra wildlife or experimental planes up there. Arriving home and stepping out of the car I could finally see what all the fuss was about - wow, double rainbows! The clearest and strongest double rainbows I have ever seen. My little point and shoot camera did it's best to catch the rainbow action :)

To see what other SkyWatchers view when they look up and out, visit the SkyWatch Blog.

Wishing you a double rainbow kind of day.


  1. Double rainbows never cease to amaze me! Looks beautiful.

  2. Oh wow, the double rainbow is beautiful and I love the tree too!

  3. I find all rainbows enchanting and double rainbows doubly so.

    I like the line under your heading. My daughter's blog is called 'not all those who wander are lost'. She too is an artist.

  4. What a cool photo, lucky you were to see it!

  5. Hi there - I'm thinking of getting a bumper sticker with "I brake for Rainbows!"

    Nice pictures.

    Stewart M - Australia

  6. Que lindo arco iris!

  7. How cool Sue, double rainbows are a beautiful sight

  8. oh the sky looks beautiful over the rainbow.
    just dramatic! ^0^

  9. Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas! May 2012 bring many blessings! xoxo


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