Friday, March 02, 2012

Skywatch Friday - Stormwatch CA

Happy Friday friends! Here we are close to the end of another week. We're having some very chilly weather for Southern California, but in the middle of it all still some blue sky and sunshine here and there. Where in the world are you, and what's happening weather-wise?

This was a particularly stormy day, cold and blustery, rain pouring down, but it cleared up just in time for a fabulous sunset by the Pacific Ocean - thank you Planet Earth :) If you squint a little you can just make out the lighthouse in the distance on the peninsula.

To see what other Skywatchers saw when they looked up and out, click HERE


  1. Nice. Have a great weekend.

  2. beautiful shots! it looks like summer :) my skywatch is up too.

  3. Beautiful place.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. Looks chilly! Yanchep Lagoon hasn't changed much.

  5. Yep, have taken out my sweaters again:) Live near Laguna, CA

  6. I don't recognize it, but it's a beautiful stretch of coastline!

  7. who would not like a week end..... and to spend it at a place like this :-)

  8. Great pictures. Even tho there is a storm watch they have a calming effect for me. I love the ocean.



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